Sep 10, 2021 | Berlin, Europe, Germany
Getting A Puppy In Berlin Everyone’s experiences in getting a puppy, training, and raising it, are very different. The breed you choose, if you get the puppy from a breeder or a Tierheim (pound), and the age are just a few things to take into account. Our Experience...
May 7, 2021 | Berlin, Europe, Germany, Travel, Travel Tips
Northern Brandenburg Biking Tour Around Gransee As part of our mission to explore more of our country and involve some triathlon training in that exploration, we decided to visit Gransee. Gransee is an area of Brandenburg full of beautiful, secluded lakes, forests,...
Feb 5, 2020 | Berlin, Blog, Europe, Germany
How to get a German driver’s license as an American Expat If you love driving (like me) and want to have the opportunity to drive while living in Germany or other parts of Europe, you will need to get a German driver’s license. Many European countries are starting to...