Oct 5, 2018 | Africa, Hiking, Travel, Travel Tips
Hiking the Nyiragongo Volcano Nyiragongo is an active volcano (elevation: 3,470 metres (11,380 ft) just north of Goma, DRC. Unfortunately, due to political unrest in the region it isn’t on many tourist’s radar. The trek up the mountain is also a difficult one with...
Jul 3, 2018 | Africa, Travel
Visiting Rwanda If it is your first time to visit the African continent, it may not be best to start with Rwanda. Rwanda is a beautiful jewel of a country and will set your expectations so high for all of the other African countries that you will be sorely...
Jun 22, 2018 | Jordan, Middle East, Travel, Travel Tips
Wadi Rum: The best way to visit one of the most beautiful deserts in Jordan Our trip to Jordan was through a tour group, and if you really want to make good use of a trip to the incredible Wadi Rum desert I would recommend going on your own. Because we were restricted...
May 31, 2018 | Hiking, Israel, Middle East
Hiking Wadi Qelt, one of the most beautiful places in the West Bank Andreas and I love hiking and exploring the great outdoors, and Israel and Palestine have so much hiking to offer it can be a bit overwhelming! One place we highly recommend checking out is Wadi Qelt,...
May 23, 2018 | Hiking, Israel, Middle East, Travel
To day trip, or not to day trip One place many people overlook spending a good amount of time in is Bethlehem. Because the city is in Palestine, or the West Bank, many are concerned about staying overnight and instead book a day tour to visit the main site: the Church...
May 11, 2018 | Jordan, Middle East, Travel, Travel Tips
Tips for visiting Petra and Avoiding the Crowds One place that has been on my bucket list for years is Petra. Ever since I watched Indiana Jones as a kid I was inspired by the travels and adventures of Indiana and the amazing places he traveled to all around the...
May 3, 2018 | Israel, Middle East, Travel
[su_service title=”Affiliate Disclosure” icon=”icon: check” size=”30″]This page may contain affiliate links. If you click these links and purchase something you will not pay anything extra, but I may get a small commission because of my partnership with these...
Mar 24, 2018 | Jordan, Middle East, Travel
Jerash: Exploring the Ancient Roman City A wonderful surprise on our trip to Jordan was the ancient Roman city of Jerash, located just north of Amman. The city was mostly intact and had survived earthquakes and the development of the modern city beside it. The...
Nov 14, 2017 | Blog, Europe, Hiking, Norway, Travel
The most rewarding hiking of my life so far was in the Lofoten Islands. And I’ve been to Nepal, a volcano in the DRC, and some other wonderful places, so that’s saying something! Be warned: some of the trails we took were not for the faint of heart and required a bit...
Nov 11, 2017 | Travel, Travel Tips
Confused about visas? When traveling you need to be careful to do your research on whether you will need a visa to enter a country or not. As an American, I have a lot of freedoms entering some countries and staying for a certain period of time. In other countries I...