Jun 20, 2017 | Blog, Travel, Travel Tips
One of the biggest questions travel bloggers seem to get is about their budget. “How can you afford to travel so much???” The answer varies depending on the person, but here is what has worked for me! Early on, I accepted a teaching job in the highlands of Kenya. At...
Mar 11, 2017 | Cambodia, SE Asia, South East Asia, Travel
Two days is usually painfully short for a trip to an amazing place! Cambodia is a great exception. If you are pressed for time, Siem Reap is a great place to visit, see the sights, eat the food, and experience Angkor Wat, all in two days. As with all trips to...
Mar 7, 2017 | Blog, Europe, Travel
As an American growing up in the very snowy region of Michigan, I didn’t really have the opportunity to ski growing up, especially due to the fact that Michigan is not known for its mountains. Traveling and living abroad, however, has given me many opportunities to...
Dec 27, 2016 | Blog, Michigan, North America
Silver Lake Sand Dunes Michigan is renowned for its beautiful beaches, especially on the shores of Lake Michigan. Some of the most famous dunes on our shores are the Sleeping Bear Dunes. These massive dunes are one of my favorite places to bring visitors. Another...